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What are your guys thoughts on NEETS? for those who don't know NEET is an acronym from The UK. it stands for Not In Employment Education Or Training it refers to people who are unemployed not in school and not in vocational training. I have been a NEET for 5 years now i used to go outside and socialize all the time still while being NEET but in 2016 things got worse and i became a hikikomori and withdrew into my bedroom because i couldn't deal with the stress and pressures of life and for the past 3 years i have rarely been leaving home except for food. I haven't worked in 7 years and i dropped out of school 5 years ago i just cannot see myself going back to school or back into the workforce anytime soon. to be honest i am tired and burnout on life.


Well-Known Member
I understand feeling burnt out and tired of life. I feel that exact same way right now and I don't have a job, but not by choice. I am somewhat of a NEET myself right now, I guess. I only leave for food and exercise and don't talk to anyone except my boyfriend who I live with. I find the more that I am alone the more alone I want to be, if that makes sense.

Can you pinpoint what went wrong in 2016 to make you withdraw like this? Is it possible to see a therapist and maybe work through this issues? Maybe you need to find something you are passionate about to get you out more, like volunteering somewhere you find interesting or looking for some low hour gig jobs? My guess would be once you can nail down what's made you withdraw it might be easier to come out of your shell. Also, what does "hikikomori" mean?
I understand feeling burnt out and tired of life. I feel that exact same way right now and I don't have a job, but not by choice. I am somewhat of a NEET myself right now, I guess. I only leave for food and exercise and don't talk to anyone except my boyfriend who I live with. I find the more that I am alone the more alone I want to be, if that makes sense.

Can you pinpoint what went wrong in 2016 to make you withdraw like this? Is it possible to see a therapist and maybe work through this issues? Maybe you need to find something you are passionate about to get you out more, like volunteering somewhere you find interesting or looking for some low hour gig jobs? My guess would be once you can nail down what's made you withdraw it might be easier to come out of your shell. Also, what does "hikikomori" mean?
Hikikomori is a Japanese word that when translated into English it means pulling inward to be confined (Acute Social Withdrawal) the term refers to a shut-in who stays home for 6 months or more and does not leave the room they withdraw themselves up into in the house they live in due to social factors such as stress at a job or bullying at school basically a hikikomori is an extreme version of a NEET. Most if not all hikikomori are NEET and depend on their parents or are on welfare (If they can get it) some hikikomori do work online or take classes online from home but that is not common given that they have mental health issues and lack the motivation to do anything let alone leave their bedrooms to socialize. Anyhow to answer your questions yeah i can kinda pinpoint what happened so basically there is not one single cause to my isolation i have many different reasons for example what i talked about in yesterdays thread that got deleted and in my very first thread i mention that i was bullied in school because i have autism but something did happen in 2016 that did contribute to it. I was at a convenience store just buying a small bag of candy and the store owner tried to rip me off he tried to make me pay 3 dollars for a bag of candy i kept trying to compromise with him but he kept yelling at me 3 dollars i got scared and thought the people behind me were going to take out their phones and record me and put it on Youtube so i started having an anxiety attack and i told the store owner if you're gonna rip me off you do not deserve my money he screamed at me said that i smelled and needed to take a shower and i ran out of the store cussed at him and ran back home and since that day i haven't really gone outside and now when i do like for food runs it is usually after dark to avoid being seen by others.



Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling so much and that the store owner tried to rip you off. It is scary these days knowing anything can be recorded at any time. I don't like that thought either. Can you take some classes online? Do you do online gaming and talk with people on there? I know a lot of people have friends through video and online games these days. I hope you can work up the courage to go out during the day and slowly stop being so withdrawn. Do you live alone or with family?
I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling so much and that the store owner tried to rip you off. It is scary these days knowing anything can be recorded at any time. I don't like that thought either. Can you take some classes online? Do you do online gaming and talk with people on there? I know a lot of people have friends through video and online games these days. I hope you can work up the courage to go out during the day and slowly stop being so withdrawn. Do you live alone or with family?
No i don't do any of that and i live in a government house for people with mental health issues my parents kicked me out 5 years ago.

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