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self destruction

  1. Freyja

    The one thing I cannot talk about IRL

    Hello :-) I will try to keep it moderately short. There is this thing that I never talk about with anyone. My therapist doesn't know (yet), and I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to tell my psychiatrist either (who is a man, and I literally cannot). Two or three friends know or suspect the...
  2. Rockclimbinggirl

    Wanting to harm myself at the thought of going home

    Just thinking about going home has increased my suicidal ideations and is making me want to self harm. Yet I still sort of want to go home. I know that I need to do what is best for me but at the moment it seems like I wont. I do not really know why, is this all due to self destruction.
  3. lightning05

    Too afraid to drive

    I want to drive somewhere and get away, yet I'm too afraid to put myself behind the wheel. Where I live you have to get on the highway to get everywhere, and that right now is too much for me to handle. I know the temptation to hurt/kill myself while driving is there. It is so scary. The way I...
  4. Butterfly

    Medication Compliance and My Struggle

    I wasn't really sure where to post this but I figured it would be suitable for the Suicide Forum, so apologies in advance. To cut a long story short, I have an issue with medication compliance and I stopped taking my meds before Christmas. I am not entirely sure why I did it. I just kinda ran...