• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. gray_now


    Hi :) I had this idea and I thought it might be nice to try it out. Okay, how lifeline works is that you send a message to the last person to post in the thread (the post can be about how your feeling) so that you can check on them and make sure that they’re not doing anything harmful. The...
  2. M

    Is it worth killing myself over this?

    I'm sorry if I had to repost. My question cause I'm really at my lowest now. Just a short brief back story. I met a girl on a social networking app. She offered sex. I asked how old she was and she said she turns 17 next month (legal age is 16). It is however illegal to pay money to a minor for...
  3. NRW24

    I have no value as a human being

    I have no value as a person, no value in the job market, no value to women. I failed at being a human, I am useless and a waste of resources. My mother should have aborted me. My life is and will be pointless. I am sorry for you to waste time reading this. I don't even deserve that.
  4. NRW24

    I hope this life ends asap

    I don't want to live anymore, living is a torture for me. I don't see the point in living. I can't make anyone happy. I can't get a job or a girlfriend. No one will love me. My life is emptiness. I wish I was never born. My life is a mistake.
  5. C

    How do you deal with having no friends?

    I got back from a 3 day comic con yesterday and it dawned on my how most of my fellow nerds there had friends and significant others. Basically all I have is my cousin and mother and those don’t count as friends in my opinion. It just sucks coming home and realizing how very alone I really am...
  6. CandleLight

    People are forgetting about me.

    I don't want to get into too much detail. But I am crying right now. Over friendships that have changed so much. People who want me out of their lives. I see them constantly posting happy stuff on Facebook, etc. I can't hold in the pain of feeling forgotten. I post a tiny bit about how I'm...