My thoughts are going wild. My anxiety is high. My thoughts gravitate towards SH and suicidal urges. They came on strong this time. Its only been 3 days since my anxiety has peaked and stayed peaked. But its like the thoights are mpre freauents stronger. I have a hard time denying them. I gave in and SH and I'm trying not to give in to the suicidal urges. Everything in me is telling me to go for a walk and never come back. I'm trying to think of the people who need me and I keep telling myself to keep denying that urge because I have 2 people who rely on me to take care of them. But they are strong and its so hard not to just act on them. I know I should tell someone (counselor, pdoc, or case manager) but I'm afraid they will force me into a hospital and I cant do it. I cant go to another one. I dont want to leave these 2 people with no one. Its so hard.