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•✮• SF Gelfling •✮•
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@Kristi Capo - for a 14 year old child you seem to have it all worked out!! However this a friendly and civil discussion of people's "opinions". Not proven "facts" rather "opinions".

Whilst we appreciate the fact that you seem to have life /the world /universe /religion /spirituality etc. all worked out at the tender age of 14, I do ask that you please respect the fact that we all have differing views on things and are free to voice our opinions whether you agree with them or not.
Can i ask if you have tried this so called "spiritual awakening"? I would really love to talk to some people who have tried this. And i get what you are saying... It feels like i am fighting against my ego and thoughts, but i am happy that i know where i wanna go now... Love and compassion is the only true way :)
A spiritual awakening is not something that you "try" it is something that happens to you, and when it happens you then have a choice to change your life and your way of being, as in continuing to live as a human being or strive to live as a spiritual being.
A spiritual awakening is about an experience you have, and then you "know" about "the bigger picture" so to speak.
"Knowing" different from knowledge, there are lots of people who have read all the books and completed all the courses and studied all there is to study on spiritual awakening's in the search for understanding, but have not actually had a spiritual awakening.
You can't buy one, you can't induce or force one, yes you may reach heightened states of awareness from certain rituals and meditation or even mind altering drugs, in the pursuit of a spiritual awakening, but that's like window shopping or tourism in comparison to owning or being resident.

I haven't "tried" a spiritual awakening, but I do "try" to live a life where I am awake to my true nature as a spiritual being, that is what my spiritual awakening has done for me.

You "know" the FEELING of oneness, of being part of, and not apart from. That knowing is personal. You have an awareness and an understanding about "the bigger picture" that no book or teacher could give you. That is your awakening.

So you are happy that you "know" where you wanna go now. When do you envisage this Now happening, and when you are already connected to everything where else is there to go to ?

One sip of the ocean and you know it's salty, you don't have to drink the whole ocean to prove it but you can try if you want
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Why would anyone wanna bring hate on others and hate as much as possible. That's a very skewed view to have and it's a concept i could never agree on. Religious or not, humans aren't trash or have evolved wrong " whatever that means" i do believe that god is an invention but others don't and faith gets them through the day. We each have something that gives us hope. Let ppl have that hope in whatever they believe in.
A spiritual awakening is not something that you "try" it is something that happens to you, and when it happens you then have a choice to change your life and your way of being, as in continuing to live as a human being or strive to live as a spiritual being.
A spiritual awakening is about an experience you have, and then you "know" about "the bigger picture" so to speak.
"Knowing" different from knowledge, there are lots of people who have read all the books and completed all the courses and studied all there is to study on spiritual awakening's in the search for understanding, but have not actually had a spiritual awakening.
You can't buy one, you can't induce or force one, yes you may reach heightened states of awareness from certain rituals and meditation or even mind altering drugs, in the pursuit of a spiritual awakening, but that's like window shopping or tourism in comparison to owning or being resident.

I haven't "tried" a spiritual awakening, but I do "try" to live a life where I am awake to my true nature as a spiritual being, that is what my spiritual awakening has done for me.

You "know" the FEELING of oneness, of being part of, and not apart from. That knowing is personal. You have an awareness and an understanding about "the bigger picture" that no book or teacher could give you. That is your awakening.

So you are happy that you "know" where you wanna go now. When do you envisage this Now happening, and when you are already connected to everything where else is there to go to ?

One sip of the ocean and you know it's salty, you don't have to drink the whole ocean to prove it but you can try if you want
VERY well put
Why would anyone wanna bring hate on others and hate as much as possible. That's a very skewed view to have and it's a concept i could never agree on. Religious or not, humans aren't trash or have evolved wrong " whatever that means" i do believe that god is an invention but others don't and faith gets them through the day. We each have something that gives us hope. Let ppl have that hope in whatever they believe in.
I will try be respectfull and i will try be as clear as possible.Humans did evolve wrong on My opinion but as you can all see people get hopes from GOD but they prey the wrong thing.And you may ask then who should we prey,how do we get hopes...well actually not you but literlly EVERYONE i have talked and thats something that ticked me off.Although you know people will betray you,you will be hurt,you will die one day,you still prey on someone like GOD thats why i hate it...but whats the worts part is that on some schools you cant be accepted if you are not a beliver...the fact that you rely on GOD makes Humans useless because they are not able to handle themselves why even try handling the secrets of worlds..
This is not a religion topic this is not a debat topic its just opinions and i just responded above with my opinion and its true it was kinda offending i know "Truth hurts" so i will say i am sorry.But back at the question "Why should we hate eachother" i am not saying killing eachother and i know its not what you mentioned i am saying that if you HATE if you want REVANGE then you are goona be very very succesfull,just like adrenaline when you are emotionally hurt when you are indanger or you want to help a friend close to you when you want to protect yourself fromm bully you get adrenaline and thats yourself hating you for beeing useless and not even beeing able to save someone but just laying down looking at the beaten up friend "Oh god oh god please stay alive" you do nothing just prey while you watch him die and when he dies you are like "God why?" i mean what did u expect HOLY BLESSING?Hating gives you motivation gives you reason to live...you see your friend beeing cocky getting all the girls all the good grades...you start hating him...you go home slam your phone down,then start studying,you get bullied...you go to artial marts art you can protect yourself and guess what in the end it wont be "Thanks god" it will be "Serves them right.Just by this little emotion HATE you got good on grades good on mental health good on grades good on self protection...short you become something HUMANS cant do you become "Perfect"and i achieved this...


Well-Known Member
You should really try to give humanity " and that includes you wether you like it or not" a little more credit. You speak in general terms which is so far from the truth. I don't believe in generalising because i have time and time again experienced the opposite. You seem to only see the negative and that benifits no one and definitely not yourself even tho you feel "perfect" as you put it and on top of everything. Maybe even superior. I hope for your own sake that you will change your point of view or you will end up very lonely and miserable.


•✮• SF Gelfling •✮•
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Admins. If my post was too harsh, you can delete it. No hard feelings ☺
Not too harsh at all. I like what you're saying :) I think that those of us with some life experience in the real world can understand that nothing is clear cut/ black and white. We know that from decades of personal experience that living a life full of hate will only end badly. A heart filled with hate is a very black heart which is sad really.

As for the "opinion" of someone's perception of God and all that goes along with faith, religion etc. I guess I don't really have much to say except this is where the "spiritual" part comes in. Spirituality is a feeling. I'm not going to try and justify my personal beliefs and the spiritual experiences I've had over the years. You seem to think that praying is kneeling on the floor every night next to your bed and reciting a few lines to God. That's not even close to how a personal relationship with God works! But I'm not discussing my faith. I'm not justifying my faith. I'm not pleading acceptance of my faith as your "opinion" of my belief system is irrelevant to me.

You can do what you want. Believe what you want. Hate all you want. But I've been around long enough to know that that kind of mindset will most likely bring you a world of pain.
You should really try to give humanity " and that includes you wether you like it or not" a little more credit. You speak in general terms which is so far from the truth. I don't believe in generalising because i have time and time again experienced the opposite. You seem to only see the negative and that benifits no one and definitely not yourself even tho you feel "perfect" as you put it and on top of everything. Maybe even superior. I hope for your own sake that you will change your point of view or you will end up very lonely and miserable.
You dont get it do you?The last line "You will end up lonely and miserable" i have experienced it maybe even worse...if i told you my story you would just stay you are lying...tho i dont care because those who said it to me have given up from me...not cuz i am fool and i talk nosense because i proved them the power of hate and revange...i am not talking on general terms i am talking on everyday terms...Once i was walking to home when i saw a accident and they did call the ambulance but instead of doing smthing to help like trying to keep em awake they were like "God please no" when i heared that i got out of there and i was disgusted how someone let the other one die instead of helping...Instead of "Stay with me,think of your family,think of your life" he was like "God help god help" i even spited thats how disgusting it was...and i see you have passed like literally all the things i have explained...you say i see all negative things and thats true because if i were always looking the positive things then i would have ended up neither dead or a mad person...Dont always expect the good it comes once and it goes...but the negative thing like PAIN or EMOTION they stay...i will pass into the spiritual thing now because i am kinda going religion debate... Spiritual is something that you can make yourself feel but not try it unless you are "Perfect" to actually control your emotions and not give yourself to god otherwise he will drown you like he did to his child...anyways the spiritual awakening mostly will happend or you will try it when you will be hurt thats yourself trying to change yourself and its a "Feeling" i have more and more to say but i dont want to say things that you may not understand cuz everyone has different understanding concepts.


Well-Known Member
Round and round we go. You're absolutely right. I don't understand half of what you're saying and i don't think you do either. Some things got lost in translation, that's for sure. I am not up for any debate with you. Let's just leave it at that.

Best wishes.

Taylor M

Well-Known Member
You dont get it do you?The last line "You will end up lonely and miserable" i have experienced it maybe even worse...if i told you my story you would just stay you are lying...tho i dont care because those who said it to me have given up from me...not cuz i am fool and i talk nosense because i proved them the power of hate and revange...i am not talking on general terms i am talking on everyday terms...Once i was walking to home when i saw a accident and they did call the ambulance but instead of doing smthing to help like trying to keep em awake they were like "God please no" when i heared that i got out of there and i was disgusted how someone let the other one die instead of helping...Instead of "Stay with me,think of your family,think of your life" he was like "God help god help" i even spited thats how disgusting it was...and i see you have passed like literally all the things i have explained...you say i see all negative things and thats true because if i were always looking the positive things then i would have ended up neither dead or a mad person...Dont always expect the good it comes once and it goes...but the negative thing like PAIN or EMOTION they stay...i will pass into the spiritual thing now because i am kinda going religion debate... Spiritual is something that you can make yourself feel but not try it unless you are "Perfect" to actually control your emotions and not give yourself to god otherwise he will drown you like he did to his child...anyways the spiritual awakening mostly will happend or you will try it when you will be hurt thats yourself trying to change yourself and its a "Feeling" i have more and more to say but i dont want to say things that you may not understand cuz everyone has different understanding concepts.
Hate is an incredibly powerful emotion, from what I've read you use it as a driving force, the thing that fuels you to achieve your goals. Whether that be getting the good grades, overcoming the bully etc. But a word to the wise, after you've achieved all that you want to achieve, that hate you used as a driving force is still there, it lingers in your mins like a bad smell. And unless that hate you feel dissipates, it gets shifted on to something else and cycle begins again. Let me tell you that way of living is fucking exhausting.
As for religion/spirituality. I am a non-believer, but for a lot of people faith is their one and only source of strength, (just like hate is for you) a single light in a dark and bleak world. Just because I don't share that sentiment doesn't give me (or anyone) the right to judge or deride them for it.
Finally, no one is perfect. Perfection in a person simply just doesn't exist, it's a contradiction of human nature. We are all fallible, we all have character flaws.


•✮• SF Gelfling •✮•
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This thread is meant to be about spirituality but it has clearly gotten off topic.
@Kristi Capo if you would like to start your own thread about your life/ feelings/ personal views, that's fine and please do. This thread is not the place for it.
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