Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.
My grandmother had a stroke in February of this year. The day before that I found out my girlfriend had cheated on me and slept with someone. After we break up she starts dating a new guy and she doesn't know his last name. I constantly saw her in school with him, he was usually kissing her and...
I'm struggling right now. I am stuck in this cycle of despair that just re-starts every day and I have had enough and want it over, all the things keeping me from taking the next step are getting less and less worth sticking around for, if I just get it over with now, everything will stop right...
I thought we were in love and we'd be together forever and all that crap but he's come out of nowhere and said he's not happy and it's completely destroyed me. He says he loves me still. I cried and begged and now we are having a week break for us both to think then we are going to talk about...
"Why don't you have a boyfriend?"
A lot of my friends have had raised this question and shoved it on my face, and my answer is always and will always be the same.
" I do not have one because I do not feel that I need one because the love that my parents are giving me is good enough for me."...
Today I found someone I considered my best friend for nearly 8 years hasn't felt the same way about me in a while. This was someone I loved like a sister and would have done anything for. I was planning to travel 1,000 miles to meet her for 3 days, just to hug her and tell her face-to-face how...
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