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  1. A

    Empathy Only Are they really friends?

    Ever since a certain incident when I was younger, I've had really bad trust issues, and the people it affects the most are my friends: more like how I see my friends. I constantly question why they are my friends, if they're really my friends, whether or not they actually like me etc. These...
  2. Boogaloo

    My best friend is suicidal and seeing her suffer destroys me inside.

    My best friend and girlfriend is very much suicidal and has been since she was very young. She self-harms and is very traumatized by her past. She was raped by her mother at the age of 10, and has been abused physically and mentally by her parents all her life. Her mother was an alcoholic, and...
  3. S

    Unintentional Victim Blaming??

    Earlier today, I confessed to a friend that I've been suffering abuse from my mother and step father, and I told her specifically about an incident that occurred just last night. I won't go into the details of what happened during said incident, that's a story for another thread, but when I...
  4. Zi Phosterage

    Hello and goodnight :)

    I have not much to say, I feel diennand all but I would rather try and make someone a little but better.... I myself feel superfluous a expense to those around me, and right now I am in a bot so good condition economical and have very few friends (if at all)/ let's just say people to talk with...
  5. J

    An acquaintance of mine

    There was a guy who was in the same high school as I was. We both were around 18 years old back then. He was pretty much like I am: decent, mild-mannered and thoughtful. He was more like an acquaintance than a friend of me. We met each other just occasionally in the high school. Sometimes we had...
  6. H

    Helping a friend

    Hello everyone! A very close friend of mine has mental health issues (most likely anxiety or/and panic attack disorder). However, because of the anxiety, she is afraid to tell anyone besides me. I have some second hand experience with anxiety and panic attacks, and I read about them a lot in...