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Part of this is not a typical day but breaking it down, it's an example of overwhelmness.
Tomorrow I leave for Florida. My BFF invited me down because she thinks I need a break. I have already checked into my flight online. I will take public transport tomorrow morning (flight is in...
I can't figure out why I cry when I'm angry or frustrated with someone or at a situation. I've been doing it as long as I can remember and lately it's been extremely irritating. I feel like it's weird to ask my friends what it means because they all seem to be what's considered "normal" or...
I'm not good at writing so let's just get right into it.
I just randomly shouted at my family. They didn't do anything wrong, they just said the wrong things in the wrong moment. I shouted, I hit the fridge with my hands, I don't know why, I didn't think. Went upstairs, slammed the door and...
I feel like I am on the verge of becoming an alcoholic. At least when I drink I feel less lonely, even if it doesn't help the anger as much. I am constantly feeling frustrated and angry. Tired of the loneliness. Tired of reaching out to people only to get rejected. Tired of doing everything...
Last week I was having a really bad depressive episode with debilitating anxiety to the point where I was making myself physically ill. I talked to my supervisor and manager about it and I took the last 3 work days off. I thought that was it.
I went to work yesterday and everything was fine...
I don't know what's with me with not being able to think clearly but i've had the problem for a very long time and it really bugs the crap out of me. I feel this way because I feel that it's the cause of a lot of my problems and I feel that how far you go in life is largely determined by our...
I havnt been to well lately, feeling really down. All i need is a friend but nup. Never works out.
Im so fucking done with fake "friends". Always a one sided friendship.
No one ever asks me how im doing or what im up too or anything.
Im always starting the conversations and usually i just...
I am sitting here staring at problems and trying to figure them out. And I'm like what the heck. Why is this so hard? Or is it just me? Am I just missing something?
I've had it with my crying, I am such a baby. I don't understand something- specifically at work- and don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. The tears come, the big fat baby tears and I can't stop them. I've had this issue since I was very young and I want to stop. I'm tired of feeling like...
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