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chronic pain

  1. S

    My alphabet of mental illnesses . . .

    I have a list of physical illnesses I deal with (painful bladder, back pain, statis dermatitis in the legs, sleep apnea, and obesity.) On top of those are my alphabet of mental illnesses: depression, anxiety, and OCD. I've been depressed since I was a teenager, probably due to childhood...
  2. Scytaic

    Life is exhausting

    My mental & physical health is so bad that even doing nothing is exhausting. And I basically do nothing all day.. which makes me feel more depressed. Every day is so exhausting it feels like I'm always carrying around a weight or I'm constantly trying to balance my health just to stay alive, I...
  3. FieryL

    Curable app

    Recovery from all kinds of chronic pain syndromes based on the framework developed by Dr.John Sarno and his idea of Tension Myositis Syndrome(TMS). Main idea is that any chronic pain becomes closely intertwined and fueled by our emotions, which creates strong reinforcement for pain neural...
  4. Grayeyes

    Pain and anxiety - over 65

    I’ve had CFS/ME ~30 years, which is progressive neurological illness and can cause one to be slowed or bedridden. It’s relatively obscure, about 10 million cases worldwide. Last month I got 2 new diagnoses which may or not be related but are also neurological. One is peripheral neuropathy in...
  5. adrasteia

    How to stay positive

    I’m 18 years old. Eighteen. Seems pretty young. Yet amazingly, I’m already halfway through my life expectancy. Living with vascular EDS and severe lupus is awful. I’m not going to lie: it is terrible. I’m in the hospital more often than not, I’m in constant pain. Not to mention my grades are...
  6. K

    Daily headaches that left me bedridden most of the time...8 years

    After the birth of my twins, I had chronic Daily headaches. They were all day everyday. I had one long headache for 7 years. I saw many doctors that misdiagnosed me. The headaches, nausea, neck pain, confusion at times left me unfuctional. After 7 years I was diagnosed with a Cerebral...
  7. Kiba

    Fibromyalgia- How it is

    I found this video on Youtube of a guy who talks about his experience with Fibromyalgia and it really just does all the talking for me.. I relate a lot to what he says. I am frustrated with everything. And I wish I could do so much more. I'm tired of the stigma. I'm tired of hiding my pain. Some...