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  1. A

    Fake Losers

    I'm just gonna get straight to the point why are there people out there who think it is cool to be an outcast? and why has nerd culture become so mainstream now? It honestly kinda pisses me off. A social outcast is defined as a person who has been rejected by society or a social group basically...
  2. A

    I hate my life and myself

    Where do i start? well first off i hate my life and myself i was never meant for this world my birth was an accident. I have been let down hard by the system and people in general as well way too many times and i feel i am not compatible with society due to all the pressure stress and trauma...
  3. reapersweep

    Becoming a monster

    I used to more patient, tried to keep the peace, had more love and compassion. Then a lot of things happen and it felt like I was split between two personalities; patience, forgiveness, compassion and anger, vengeance, confidence. I called the other side Jeanette. Neither side liked the idea of...
  4. Najona

    My sister hates me and I don't know what to do

    hello everyone, This is actually my first time posting (a very long post too) and I hope I'm not making any mistakes here. In case this thread should be posted somewhere else please let me know. Plus, I'm not a native English speaker but I'm trying my best to explain my situation as well as...
  5. Susu

    Stuck in sadness, lost in it forever

    Anyone else feel like not letting go of depression? Have yet to find anyone who holds onto depression and just lets it eat you away like my brain does. I constantly tell myself I don't need to talk to a doctor about it since they'll just rid it off. My sensible part of my brain tells me to stop...
  6. Miss Invisible

    Who Am I

    Summer is ending:( Booo. Along with it the relaxation of; let's face it laziness;). If you've read my story you know that I have had two extensive domestic abuse ex-relationships . One that blessed me with two sons, now 21 and 18. The other with a wonderous blessing of my only beautiful...
  7. Dante

    Time changes everything, even you.

    This was originally going to be just a lead up to 1 thought but it applied to so much that I am just going to do it section by section in the order it came to me, ignore the bits in bold, they are only so you can skip to the bit you want, they are not part of the flow of the following writing...
  8. redgirl

    Hate Towards Skinny People

    Hey guys. Something happened to me a couple of nights ago and it's really stuck with me ever since. I guess I mainly need to vent, but I'm hoping that I can also find some reassurance and hope. First of all, I suppose it's relevant to say that I'm kind of skinny, and I have been my whole life...