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  1. Dante

    Ideas & Opinions Soft Heartbreak

    Im not sure if I mentioned this on the forum before, but here goes anyway. I spent my entire life pushing down my feelings and trying to act like a normie, so despite how much progress I have made I'm still pretty bad at venting my feelings so even after I have processed as much as I can, a...
  2. perkypeachii

    I feel emotionally drained? Or scared?

    My ex had lied to me twice and broken my heart he comes back telling me he was trying to handle the death of his grandfather and that's why he acted the way he did. He said he never got over me and that I don't have to trust him because he has trust issues too and said he does not care how...
  3. Lestat

    Perfect girl but she's a demon made to destroy myself and everyone who comes in contact with her

    I met this girl and I'm not joking when I say she is almost perfect. The problem is she is so broken and unstable that I can't be in a relationship with her anymore. Every 2 days I'm dealing with a different person who just wants to destroy everything. She is incredibly manipulative, which is...
  4. Rafs

    News and first time in therapy!

    Hi there SF. I posted an update thread about 2 months ago, and this is kind of a continuation on that thread. So uni started about a month ago. 2nd year computer science. I was doing good and was in a relationship with a girl I really liked and was one of my best friends here. She's in the same...
  5. Shreya

    Trying to move on

    I met this guy a little over a year ago for the second time. I knew him when we worked together 3 years before. I had moved cities. We work in the same company and he was on an official visit. Since he was a friend from way back I asked him out for a friendly drink. He is much older than me and...
  6. Sassy Cat

    why do people get your expectations up and then disappoint you

    So I was really excited to meet up with someone for the first time today the person kept on talking about things and getting me all excited about meeting up what we would do how things would go and I was like yes even if things don't work out between us and I was keeping things on the down low...
  7. Odd_Panda24

    Eyes of Innocence

    This is really a poem like outlet that needs to be let out: Thinking back on it now, ending that long relationship had only ended the "you" that i used to love and hang onto so dearly, along with the "me" that was honestly happy and felt accepted With every cell in my body, I cant erase your...
  8. Cyda

    Always second choice

    I've never had a real relationship in my life (I feel really pathetic about it since I'm almost 22) But I got close to having one 2 times. And two times something or someone was more important than me. And it hurts a lot. I just have the feeling as if I'm not good enough. Like I'm worth...
  9. BlueHealingHeart

    The thoughts are here...

    Those horrible thoughts are here and I'm so tired of suffering. Right now my eyes hurt so much, they're burning and I have a migraine too. I'm about to take something for it soon. I've been posting a lot lately cause I'm emotional and I tend to get very sensitive by things. Today I was talking...
  10. Kai Nashi

    Got dumped, then back together hours later, but not talling to me latley.

    Even before she dumped me, shes ben kind of distant and ive thought we were falling apart. It got me really sad and worried. A day before yesterday, she got very mad at me and stressed because of how i am, hatong myself and with my depression,So yesterday, she didnt text me in the morning and i...