Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.
I now this skirts the edge of allowed topics for this subject, but London and South East England are now in lockdown even on Christmas day (They say Tier 4, but the restrictions are the same as lockdown). I live alone, which means my Christmas is going to be spent alone, all the Christmas food...
Is there anyone else on here who psychologically feels like a child or teenager in an adult body? I personally psychologically feel like i am still between 17 to 19 years of age even though i'm currently 26. How do you guys deal with an issue like this?
I was feeling really good about myself after therapy yesterday. i felt really positive and happy for once. I contacted my friends again, I made plans to meet up, I didn't stay locked in my room today, I indulged in sweets. That kind of stuff. Once upon a time they were normal stuff.
But here I...
This thread is similar to another thread i created but different what are your guys opinions on NEETs? for those who don't know NEET is an acronym from The UK. it stands for Not In Employment Education Or Training it refers to people who are unemployed not in school and not in vocational...
Like I noticed today I was in a great mood and decided I wanted to visit my bf at work. I’ve been in a funk the past few days and haven’t wanted to be around anyone, even him. But I figured since I was feeling a bit better I would visit.
As soon as I was with him I felt all my walls go up. I...
No friends. That's right, none. I am not joking or exaggerating in the least bit when I say this. People don't dare to be around me. All throughout middle and high school, everyone on campus has always put in their best effort to stay away from me. I've also never had a GF. All around me, I seem...
Firstly, I've posted in this section as I don't want any advice or to hear any well meaning suggestions. I know people here care but there's honestly nothing anyone can do for me.
So, I've been meaning to do a Safety Plan for a really long time and thought about doing it today but then I...
I have almost no one in my life and it feels so empty sometimes. I can remember exactly why and know it's for the best at times, but other times I feel desperately alone. I'm always with my husband and kids, which makes me feel guilty for feeling like I need more, but I just want to be able to...
the person is my father, and I’m so scared. This is my first time posting here, after this forum was recommended to me by someone on another forum I visit. I have been in such a desperate frame of mind for the longest time, and I would give anything for therapy, but I have no health insurance...
I discovered Henry Rollins at 19; I’m 44 now and still consider him one of my biggest inspirations. I’ve seen his Spoken Word tours twice in recent years. He has one of the most awesome minds (in my opinion) but he isn’t that well known.
I just felt compelled to share this with you all. I hope...
I got back from a 3 day comic con yesterday and it dawned on my how most of my fellow nerds there had friends and significant others. Basically all I have is my cousin and mother and those don’t count as friends in my opinion. It just sucks coming home and realizing how very alone I really am...
Hi guys. This is my first thread and post on this site. I hope you guys can help me. I don't want to run away from my problems anymore or let my mind go to that scary place where some sick voice starts convincing me that suicide is an answer. I want to reach out.
When I was 11 years old, I came...
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