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mental health

  1. thorns_all_over

    verywellmind.com - Pick your poison, or pick them all!

    It will only hurt, if you don't check it out. This isn't click bait! All joking aside, I hope this resource will help you improve your situation in some way! There is quite a lot of information on quite a lot of subjects! Thanks for reading! thorns_all_over
  2. Court

    A poem I wrote!

    There is so many things I wish to say, There is so many things I wish to do, but all I want to do is to see you. There was no real goodbye, no silent cry, no please help me, no worries and replies. Suicide is a silent killer, for some it’s the painkiller, this must stop, It must not be an...
  3. A

    Can I be helped with my mental disorders

    I have been told by a psychiatrist before that I'm retarded, have asperger's, and a neurological disorder. I think that I have a minor amount of all this. I don't want to be under constant care or disability over it, but rather want to overcome it. How can I be helped?
  4. Soda-Voxel

    My sleep schedule is rough again.

    It's not that I'm finding it hard to sleep. In fact it's somewhat easy, due to the fact I take melatonin every night. But I guess I've just become...unmotivated to sleep. I'm too lazy to put my things away, or I'm too busy thinking about stressful or upsetting things, or maybe I just don't want...
  5. F

    TL;DR - Divorced and Alone

    I suffer from Bipolar II, PTSD and chronic anxiety. When I started dating my ex-wife in 2015 I told her all about it and explained it in as much detail as I could. I'm up front about it when meeting someone new for a relationship because I know firsthand that it is not easy living with someone...
  6. Tana

    Mental Illness develops on reaction?

    I've had many brushes of what seemed to be something serious. To some I reacted badly, others, I managed to conquer before the thoughts would consume me. Before I share some random ideas of how I reacted/conquered certain ideas, I want you to take note not everyone has the same experience/it's...
  7. A


    Has anyone on here had experience being in a relationship with a real life yandere? For those who don't know "Yandere" is derived from the Japanese words yanderu, meaning insane or sick, and deredere, meaning affectionate or loving. Simply put, a yandere is someone who is lovesick; someone who...
  8. A

    Psychologically feeling younger

    Is there anyone else on here who psychologically feels like a child or teenager in an adult body? I personally psychologically feel like i am still between 17 to 19 years of age even though i'm currently 26. How do you guys deal with an issue like this?
  9. A

    Thoughts On NEETs?

    This thread is similar to another thread i created but different what are your guys opinions on NEETs? for those who don't know NEET is an acronym from The UK. it stands for Not In Employment Education Or Training it refers to people who are unemployed not in school and not in vocational...
  10. A


    How many of you on here are on the autism spectrum? i was diagnosed at the age of 8 and i am high functioning autistic.
  11. CBunny9

    I lied about being sick to get out of work today

    I feel bad about it but all I wanted to do all day was sleep and I’m 100% unmotivated to do anything. I feel so overwhelmed with sadness that I can’t even begin to cry even though I know I need to. I’m so frustrated. I feel bad for calling out because I never do but I also know I need to take...
  12. Jack D

    About time I admitted it..

    So.. its been a long time since I posted anything on this website. I thought I was okay, I thought I was stable and things were finally looking up... but I think I was just kidding myself. I think its about time I admitted something that I suppose I should have known all along. I am/was in an...
  13. Mongrel Skull

    Schizotypal personality disorder

    Anybody else here have it? It causes me to have beliefs that no one else has such as I believe that vampires, werewolves, dragons, griffins, gremlins, and unicorns exist. I also believe that <mod edit - guidelines>. I also feel like I'm a dog inside a human body. I bark, howl, and drag my butt...
  14. A

    I hate my inability to think clearly and effectively

    I don't know what's with me with not being able to think clearly but i've had the problem for a very long time and it really bugs the crap out of me. I feel this way because I feel that it's the cause of a lot of my problems and I feel that how far you go in life is largely determined by our...
  15. memyselfand1

    My life my struggles

    n Hi All I am really stuck on to what to do with various situations in my life. Friday/Saturday On Friday i was at going to the art cafe (which i don’t really enjoy but i turn up for the cheap tea and coffee) and i was told by the nurse who runs it that due to my panic attack the previous...
  16. R

    I don't quite know what is wrong

    Throughout my life, I've been Depressed, Suicidal, and diagnosed with OCD, Anxiety, Anorexia, and so on. I've always been really bad at asking for help and fairly resistant to the idea of going on medication (because of bad experiences being medicated too strongly when I was too young.) Now...
  17. memyselfand1

    Things that work for/Things that don't work for me

    Things that work for me Scenarios Let's say I am having a bad day and feeling really fed up with daily life and are feeling really bored or feeling really low and depressed but have no urges to harm or anything serious. Then a range of distractions help to get through the period I am having...