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  1. dying_inside

    Ideas & Opinions What is supposed to help?

    Im currently IP after an attempt. After a few days of comatose state, i started feeling more myself, but all that happened IP was talking about my history (current psych and pdoc are on vacation), getting more meds, some visits from mom and all the rest is pure boredom. How are they supposed to...
  2. februaryfriday

    How do you get through a hopeless time?

    Basically, I've learned this week that when I apply for assistance (personal assistant, not monetary aid) I can't save more than a certain amount and my plan for private retirement provision is basically f'cked. (I'm in Germany, so any US-tips don't apply.) This is, by far, not the first time...
  3. dying_inside

    The opposite happened - lonely and hopeless

    Hello, im working on CSA with the help of a workbook. i already elaborated it all years ago but i felt i hadnt finished so i got this book. (CSA=Child Sexual Abuse) im at the very beginning, where it talks about nurturing yourself and building a support system. i decided today's way of...
  4. Soda-Voxel

    I feel so hopeless.

    Even though I had a wonderful day today, I still want to off myself after all this. I’m trying so, so hard to have hope. I need to be here for my friends, I have to help them, I have to stay alive. There are things I love, people I love, to be here for. But I just hate myself far too much. The...
  5. NRW24

    I have no value as a human being

    I have no value as a person, no value in the job market, no value to women. I failed at being a human, I am useless and a waste of resources. My mother should have aborted me. My life is and will be pointless. I am sorry for you to waste time reading this. I don't even deserve that.
  6. 1232123

    20 years old and hopeless

    On December 26th, my boyfriend of almost two years left me. His reasons are unclear but I am almost positive it’s because I’m so damn mentally ill. I was diagnosed with BPD back in July and since i’ve started DBT, things have gotten super hard. But through it all, my boyfriend assured me he’d...
  7. NRW24

    I am afraid my life has no purpose

    I am afraid my life has no purpose. I don't think I'll ever get a job. I don't think I'll ever be loved my a woman, and I won't get to love a woman. I feel empty. I need kisses and hugs but women will never love me. I am too useless and immature and pathetic. I don't even enjoy reading...
  8. S

    I just keep digging my grave

    I don't really know how to start. i don't even know if some of the things i want to say will break the rules on here. i don't even know if i belong on here. All i do know, i need for this pain to stop one way or the other. i have made three serious attempts on my life; once by <method edit > I...
  9. sickanon2

    24, unemployed, and hopeless

    I have been unemployed nearly six months now. I have always worked hard, I always scored top marks in school and college, and earned myself a first class honours degree. I secured an excellent internship straight out of college, and managed to earn myself a full time job out of it. During the...
  10. WiltedRose999

    I'm Tired, and I don't mean physically

    I'm new to this kind of thing, but I feel like I should start getting help. Nowadays I feel empty, almost deflated. Its like a constant tiredness that I can't seem to get rid of no matter what I do, I've tried drawing, music and exercise to see if that would help with it and so far nothing has...
  11. Shreya

    Trying to move on

    I met this guy a little over a year ago for the second time. I knew him when we worked together 3 years before. I had moved cities. We work in the same company and he was on an official visit. Since he was a friend from way back I asked him out for a friendly drink. He is much older than me and...
  12. lightning05

    Bullying Myself

    Lately I have been doing this thing where I am just constantly negative about myself. I look in the mirror and find things that are wrong with me physically. I keep re-living everything bad I've ever done and feel like I don't deserve happiness because I am too destructive. I'm just down on...
  13. ToBeAtPeace

    I want to be dead

    I've never said this before, "I want to be dead". Usually, I'll have suicidal thoughts and feelings, and know that they scare me and know that I'm too cowardly to take my own life. I've come to terms with death now though, and with killing myself. I can't live through this emotional pain any...
  14. CandleLight

    Yup, still homeless. And now I have a cancer diagnosis.

    I'm still homeless. This homeless shelter, which promises housing, refuses to meet my disability accommodation needs. So they've made threats to kick me out for saying, "the unit you offered me IS NOT DISABLED ACCESSIBLE. I can't live there." Do I have a legal case? Yes. Do I have the energy...
  15. lightning05

    Can't Drive

    Once again I can't get behind the wheel of my car because if I do I am going to crash. Today I am at complete rock bottom and I just want to fucking die. I am so sick of living and feeling like this. Idk how much longer I can keep on living this empty existence day in and day out. Waking up is...
  16. CandleLight

    Possibly on the street tomorrow...

    I came to stay with my friends for the weekend all the way back on March 13th. So, needless to say, they've been gracious. I haven't had anywhere else at all to go, I've been homeless now for about a year. I keep waiting to get into this homeless shelter, and agonzing over other leads. But what...