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  1. Dante

    Ideas & Opinions Soft Heartbreak

    Im not sure if I mentioned this on the forum before, but here goes anyway. I spent my entire life pushing down my feelings and trying to act like a normie, so despite how much progress I have made I'm still pretty bad at venting my feelings so even after I have processed as much as I can, a...
  2. BlueKoala

    I don’t know how to talk to my dad about the abuse he put me through

    Hello, everyone. For the past few months, I have come to realize that I have been abused for basically all of my life by my parents, and that I’ve been blaming myself for it. TW — Abuse So, I don’t know how to approach the subject. I know that I NEED to be talk to him, because this has been...
  3. Insecuritykills

    Practical Advice Getting over it or...?

    I'm back again after a while, hi i hope everyone's doing well, I'll try to summarize my situation and please help me if you been in similar situation or if you have an idea, cuz I'm kind desperate... This is about a relationship I've been in for the past year, I met a girl back in Dec 2019...
  4. Dante

    Practical Advice Your problems are your most powerful solutions.

    Recap: I started getting depressed somewhere between 2006-2008 and hit rock bottom around 2010, with huge amounts of help I managed to claw my way back to semi normalcy and have been climbing and falling in and out of depression (mostly in) ever since. Anyway, throughout all this I have spent...
  5. A

    Really want to start living good.

    I am desperate to start living a good and happy life. What are some reasonable options for me?
  6. A

    Can I be helped with my mental disorders

    I have been told by a psychiatrist before that I'm retarded, have asperger's, and a neurological disorder. I think that I have a minor amount of all this. I don't want to be under constant care or disability over it, but rather want to overcome it. How can I be helped?
  7. hermit21

    Depression and School??

    How do I push through my depression to get my homework done even though all I want to do is lay in bed and cry? Any tips or anything would be really appreciated.
  8. hermit21

    Ideas & Opinions Verbal/Emotional Abuse???

    Hi, I’m 17, and I think my parents may be verbally/emotionally abusing me but I’m uncertain. They make negative comments/jokes that I find insulting to my appearance and my intelligence, among other things. They reserve the right to go through my phone with or without my permission or knowledge...
  9. Roman sky

    My Dad Stole from my Savings

    So, When I was 8 my parents divorced. I had a savings account that both my parents set up and payed into, but it was in my Dads name. When I was 13, My Dad tried to move to the USA (I'm from the UK) but couldn't find work in time and had his visa withdrawn, meaning he came back and spent a few...
  10. auburnfrog

    no reason to live

    Is there ever such thing as a 'reason to live'? At least I don't have one. There is nothing in my life to look forward to - even if there is, I don't want to hold onto something as uncertain as the future because it's only going to give me false hope and disappoint me. I try to think about the...
  11. Feinmharu


    So recently I have had a bit of free time. Still working, but work is slow. Still a bit stressful. Moving, new state, new job, etc. BUT... I (had to look up term, no health insurance, doc, therapist...) am disassociating bad. Like I dont remember doing work. Still getting things done from what I...
  12. CBunny9

    Is pushing people away basically a fight or flight response?

    Like I noticed today I was in a great mood and decided I wanted to visit my bf at work. I’ve been in a funk the past few days and haven’t wanted to be around anyone, even him. But I figured since I was feeling a bit better I would visit. As soon as I was with him I felt all my walls go up. I...
  13. heydear12

    I Need Help About Helping A Friend...

    Hello Guys I haven't been here for some time now, it is good to be back fortunately I am not here seeking help for myself, I have a friend who is in clinical depression and have a serious hearth disease. She had this disease for a long time and combined with depression it has become life...
  14. B

    Some advice please

    Hello, I'm hoping that someone could give me some advice please. I regularly chat via email to a young man in the USA, we met online over a year ago on another mental health forum when I was suffering quite badly from anxiety and he had his own mental health problems. We just support each other...
  15. Beka

    BPD and romantic relationships

    Okay so I've come a long way in my recovery of BPD and I'm always having these little 'epiphanies' about my behaviors. I've just had another one but I wanted to know if anyone else has had the same issue or has any advice on how to combat it. So I've come to the realization that I've only ever...
  16. J

    Birthdays, Depression and Suicide - How to cope up?

    Does anyone feel anxious, more depressed, and tired in general during the upcoming days of their birthday? My birthday is coming up in a couple days and I have no idea how to cope with it. I have this crippling fear in my heart regarding my future and I just can't bear to be present on my...
  17. Bl00dStaindSn0w

    Fear of being kicked out

    Legally I am an adult, but considering what I have been through there should be some sort of valid excuse for staying this long. I was raised by an emotionally neglectful father who also used emotional abuse in order to punish me for normal mistakes. If I happened to drop a glass cup that is...
  18. Oliver A.


    It’s been a long time since I’ve been on here. An official diagnosis can only happen after a year, until then it’s only called Transient Tic Disorder. But we think I have Tourettes. Anybody else dealing with this? Any advice or tips on handling embarrassment in public?
  19. madridland

    I need to tell my friends...

    2 of my friends are currently mad at me and and aren't talking with me. One is my roommate which makes it really hard. I'm really struggling and need help from my friends though but since their mad at me I feel like I can't bring my feelings of depression and thoughts of suicide up to them...
  20. Gb726

    I feel like I'm loosing my mind. HELP

    Currently I'm 22 years old. Mentally I feel, 67. Let's get down to it. At the age of four I remember this specific conversation I had with my cousins as they jokingly asked if I had a boyfriend considering I was only four. With excitement I said yes, my dad. They were confused and said no...