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  1. WiltedRose999

    I'm Tired, and I don't mean physically

    I'm new to this kind of thing, but I feel like I should start getting help. Nowadays I feel empty, almost deflated. Its like a constant tiredness that I can't seem to get rid of no matter what I do, I've tried drawing, music and exercise to see if that would help with it and so far nothing has...
  2. SonjaRot

    Depression & Anxiety: How To Win The Fight

    by David Whitehead a really inspiring and mind refreshing talk on depression. One of my fav teachers. Check out some of his other vids as well!
  3. A

    I owe money to a person who is violent and threatening me

    the person is my father, and I’m so scared. This is my first time posting here, after this forum was recommended to me by someone on another forum I visit. I have been in such a desperate frame of mind for the longest time, and I would give anything for therapy, but I have no health insurance...
  4. qteallex

    Haven't really been dealing with reality the last year/ benefits guilt

    I'm an unemployed (high school educated) 22 y/o leech living with my parents, hiding in my bedroom most of the time but do a couple chores and walk the dog. Manage to shower about once a week, mostly manage to brush my teeth, almost never manage to stay out of bed. So, I had been daydreaming a...
  5. N

    Self destructive relationship

    Hello all I am currently in a weird situation. I am in a relationship and I need help figuring out how to stop sabotaging it. I really love this guy that I am with, but I have no self worth and I don't feel like anyone could love me and actually want to be with me. I keep asking him why and...
  6. gypsylee

    “I Know You” by Henry Rollins

    I discovered Henry Rollins at 19; I’m 44 now and still consider him one of my biggest inspirations. I’ve seen his Spoken Word tours twice in recent years. He has one of the most awesome minds (in my opinion) but he isn’t that well known. I just felt compelled to share this with you all. I hope...
  7. Depressed in SF

    Morning panic attacks (have you defeated them? tell me how!)

    Hey everybody, wanted to see if anyone else had the same experience as me and, if so, what you've done about it. Almost every morning I wake up way before my alarm (usually set for 6:30 but I'll get up at like 5:00) to go to the bathroom or something and, not only can I not fall back asleep but...
  8. lightning05

    Stressed to the max

    Lately I have just been feeling like utter shit. As I've mentioned on forums before I hate my job but cannot leave until January of next year (leaving is not an option or I would have done so by now, trust me). Even though I am on the payroll and have been an employee there since May 2016...
  9. Mae Dun

    I don't want to exist anymore

    hey, it's been a long time since I've checked this forum but I'm feeling pretty bad so (excuse any english mistakes as it is not my first language) okay, so my point is I just don't feel like living, I mean I never asked for it, I've just been thrown in a mercyless world and expected to work my...
  10. C

    Life goes up and down

    It’s funny how for a couple months I feel ok. Depression and suicidal thoughts are there but their on the back burner and things are ok! then I’ll start having fun or go somewhere exciting that I’ve been looking forward to (Like for the past three days I’ve been going to a comic con) Then I wake...
  11. C

    How do you deal with having no friends?

    I got back from a 3 day comic con yesterday and it dawned on my how most of my fellow nerds there had friends and significant others. Basically all I have is my cousin and mother and those don’t count as friends in my opinion. It just sucks coming home and realizing how very alone I really am...
  12. lightning05

    Bad Timing

    I've been really sick for the past couple of days but my job has been on top of me for missing days. I have genuinely been consistently sick these past couple of months and I have gotten a barrage of tests to figure out why. I am not faking it and I now have anxiety because it's Halloween. So I...
  13. lightning05


    I was on the brink of a panic attack just now and I used the grounding technique. I was describing to myself everything I saw and what color it was (in detail). I also controlled my breathing as much as I could, trying to take full deep breaths and let them out slowly. Lately I haven't been too...
  14. lightning05


    These flashbacks are seriously messing me up. I feel 100% off. I haven't been able to sleep well at all. I can fall asleep but can't stay asleep and I always wake up at 4am unable to go back to sleep. I feel like I can barely eat at times even when I'm hungry. I started smoking cigarettes again...
  15. lightning05

    Missing Work

    This week I missed the last 3 days of work due to severe panic attacks and a depressive episode. I was bombarded with sucidial thoughts when driving (and I also work around a lot of sharp objects). I talked to my supervisor and he cleared me to take time off and get better. I know this may not...
  16. Justatiredsoul

    Want it to end

    I don't know what I'm doing Today I had atleast 6 flashbacks the last One it was happening all over again and I couldn't breathe I was being chocked I'm NOT strong enough to keep Going or to live with anymore trauma I've taken enough Valium n pain relief to nock out a Horse but just feel...
  17. thismustbetheplace


    drank mysef to oblivion last night. I'm on vacation so I thought one wouldn't hurt, 10 later I'm a stumbling falling down bonging and purging drunk. The routine change from this vacation is causing a lot of anxiety. I know I can't drink, I mean I can if I want to go down that road but I don't...
  18. A

    I hate my inability to think clearly and effectively

    I don't know what's with me with not being able to think clearly but i've had the problem for a very long time and it really bugs the crap out of me. I feel this way because I feel that it's the cause of a lot of my problems and I feel that how far you go in life is largely determined by our...
  19. lemooncakes

    An extra hug.

    It’s been a long day God. I whispered your name for help every seconds of the day. Did You hear my cry for help? It’s hard to keep faith when everything is going south. I feel everything around me is crumbling down. I’m drowning and i can’t breathe. I just wanted to come home and run to You, and...
  20. dodoman

    Why do I keep ruining everything

    I am in a bad situation. I've written it out before so I don't want to keep repeating the same shit, but I can barely breath right now. I know this won't be the smoothest read. My anxiety has me shaking. I don't know why this happens to me. everyone else can face their problems. I take one look...